Adult Day Care and Socialization Program Celebrates ONE YEAR!

Our adult day program celebrated their first anniversary with a fun “this really is our first rodeo” theme on Friday October 6th, 2023. Local line dancing group, Spirit in Motion, helped the program celebrate with a performance and informal lessons of their routines. Our day program director, Carmen Wright, transformed the day center in to a western rodeo and treated the program participants and guests to a root beer float and cupcake social to celebrate.

The Adult Day Care and Socialization Program opened its doors last Fall and has steadily grown with a consistent flow of guests joining the program over the course of the past year. The program offers an opportunity for families to utilize daily respite care while they still remain in their homes; and as care needs evolve some participants have elected to move in to the campus’ residential building for more support.

Field of Dreams Adult Day Care and Socialization Program guests are invited to join in daily coffee social, various events and recreational opportunities, crafting, movie days, have delicious homecooked meals together, and have options for personal care services available as needed. The program gives caregivers a chance to take some time to themselves to do the things they need or want to do while their loved one is being cared for and having a fun and meaningful experience for themselves. Community members are invited to try out the program at no cost for coffee, lunch, or an activity. For more information or to tour the program, call 716-543-4200.